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to Feb 18



What is Boskone?

Brought to you by the New England Science Fiction Association (NESFA), Boskone is an annual science fiction convention,  the oldest in New England. NESFA is a non-profit 501(c)3corporation and both NESFA and Boskone are run and put on entirely by fan volunteers.

I will update with what panels I will be on as soon as the schedule is finalized.

What people are saying about Boskone:

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East Coast Age of Black Comics Convention (ECABCc)
11:00 AM11:00

East Coast Age of Black Comics Convention (ECABCc)

The East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention, originally slated to be called the Pan-African Comic Convention (PAC-Con) or First World Komix Con (1st World Con), is an annual gathering of comic book artists, writers, their fans and retailers who are interested in discussing, buying and selling comic books, sci-fi, action figures and related material by and / or about Black superheroes / super-powered characters / adventures.

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